Talking to people can be a great way to expand
Explain why you’re doing what After you’ve connected with someone about their work, it’s time to dig a little deeper and outline why you’re doing what. This can be as simple as writing a post on what you do or even writing a book. But the best way to explain why you’re doing something is with examples. You can also use words like “case study,” “illustration,” and “illustration gallery” to show people what you’re doing. Be as detailed as possible with your examples to show how your team works as a team. Explain how you’re going to do it After you’ve connected with someone about their work, it’s time to dig a little deeper and outline why you’re doing what. This can be as simple as writing a post on what you do or even writing a book. But the best way to explain how you’re going to do something is with examples. Be as detailed as possible with your examples to show how your team works as a team. Ask for feedback ...